The Professor Charlotte Bronte

The Professor - Charlotte Bronte
Автор: Бронте Шарлотта
Издательство: Harper Collins UK, 2012 г.
Серия: Collins Classics
Ответственный редактор: Сайдалиев Ростислав Жанович
Дизайн: Питеркин Касьян Якубович
Оформитель: Парановский Михей Игоревич
Количество страниц: 598
Формат: txt, fb2, pdf

Аннотация "The Professor"
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. 'The Professor' is Charlotte Bronte's first novel, reflecting her own experience of life in Brussels and published after her untimely death. Viewed as a precursor to the narrative style and characterisation she perfected in her later works, such as 'Jane Eyre', the novel is Bronte's portrayal of a love story from a male perspective. Writing from the point of view of orphaned young teacher, William Crimsworth - the sole male protagonist among Bronte's works - the author allows herself a freedom of action in love and will that reveals her character's loves, desires and ambitions as he forges a new life on his own terms in Brussels. William finds himself caught between the desire he feels for Zoraide Reuter, the beguiling head of the girls' school where he teaches, and the gentle love he feels for one of his pupils, Frances Henri. Exploring questions of love, identity, freedom and independence, 'The Professor' is an important work in the small opus that is Charlotte Bronte's significant contribution to English literature.
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